Arlene Johnson Photographer's Representatives -- San Francisco based photographic agency. |
Contrast Photographic Agency -- Portfolio of five photographers who focus on photography with a humanist approach. |
Daniela Wagner Photographers -- Representative for photographers in Germany. |
David Edmunds Represents -- Representing advertising photographers in London, UK. |
Faucher Artists -- Representing Mari Faucher, Mimi Chin, Anna Palma, Bob Hiemstra, Gregor Halenda, Victor Schrager, Christina Wressell, Julie Flynn, Bobbi Lin, Ariana Salvato, Renata Chaplynsky and Christi DeMark |
Florence Moll Photographic Agency -- Representing photographers Jason Tozer, Dirk Karsten, Dimitri Daniloff, Bob Miller, Jean-François Aloisi. |
Fotoformula -- Representing fashion, advertising and editorial photographers. |
Gianfranco Meza -- Barcelona based agency represents Spanish and international photographers. |
Ieia Photographers and Stylists Agency -- Italian agency based in Milan. Includes portfolios of photographers and stylists and a story about the history of the agency. |
Infidels Photo-agency -- Representing photographers, stylists, and illustrators from South Africa. |
Jackson Management Artists -- Represents photographers specialising in the fields of advertising, beauty, editorial, fashion and underwater. |
Joe Berger -- Representing Arne Pastoor, Oliver Mark, Dieter Steinbach, and Stefan Csaky. |
Karlee Artist Management -- Management company representing hair, makeup, fashion or wardrobe stylist and manicurist. |
Kloss Management Photography Agency. -- London based photography agency representing Dominik Gigler, Axel Hoedt, Maria Mochnacz, Roberta Nitsos and Scott Sandford. |
Legend Photo -- Los Angeles based agency representing photographers and stylists from around the world. |
Lou B Photoagency -- Representing four Swedish photographers and one stylist |
LundLund Photographic Agency -- Representing Swedish photographers and stylists. |
M Represents Photography -- New York based photographic agency representing various photographers. |
Made Photographic Agency -- Represents fashion, beauty, and still-life photographers Isabelle Bonjean, Karina Taira, Thomas Straub, Stephan Abry, Gauthier Gallet, Anti Wendel, Brian Whitney, Constant Anée. |
Marek & Associates Photography Agency -- Represents photographers Walter Chin, Robert Erdmann, Fabrizio Ferri, Pamela Hanson, Greg Kadel, Frederik Lieberath, Elliston Lutz, Andrew Reynolds, Myers Robertson, Francesco Scavullo, Mei Tao, Jason Todd, Deborah Turbeville |
Michael Okoniewski Photographer -- Portfolio of New York photographer Michael Okoniewski. |
PHOTO Mondo -- Photographic portfolio of Tomasz Jankowski. |
Poet & Company -- Toronto based photographer’s representation agency. Requires Flash to view. |
Rich Hall Reps -- Representing photographers and digital imagers providing services to the automotive advertising and design community. |
RPM Photographic Agency -- UK agency representing photographers Jon Nicholson, Brent Stirton, Levon Biss, Lee Farrant and Moe Kafer. |
Serlin Associates -- Parisian photographic agent presents work carried out by a number of photographers. |
Sinopix Photo Agency -- Representing photographers specializing in Hong Kong and China. |
Sputnik Production -- Representing photographers and artists from Prague and Paris. |
Tin Agent -- Representing Knut Bry, Pål Rødahl, Evy Andersen, Lisa Westgaard, Sigve Aspelund, Pål Laukli og Guri Dahl. |
Tom Booth, Inc. -- Photographic agency representing Robin Broadbent, Roger Davies, Douglas Friedman, Hiro, Thomas Loof, and Jason Schmidt. |
Winston West Artist Representatives -- Representing celebrity, fashion and automotive photographers. |
Witman Kleipool & No6 -- Agency, based in Amsterdam, representing seven photographers with varied specialties; from food to editorial. |