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Representing - Photography Directory

Location: Main > Photography Services > Photographers > Agencies > Representing

 Arlene Johnson Photographer's Representatives -- San Francisco based photographic agency.
 Contrast Photographic Agency -- Portfolio of five photographers who focus on photography with a humanist approach.
 Daniela Wagner Photographers -- Representative for photographers in Germany.
 David Edmunds Represents -- Representing advertising photographers in London, UK.
 Faucher Artists -- Representing Mari Faucher, Mimi Chin, Anna Palma, Bob Hiemstra, Gregor Halenda, Victor Schrager, Christina Wressell, Julie Flynn, Bobbi Lin, Ariana Salvato, Renata Chaplynsky and Christi DeMark
 Florence Moll Photographic Agency -- Representing photographers Jason Tozer, Dirk Karsten, Dimitri Daniloff, Bob Miller, Jean-François Aloisi.
 Fotoformula -- Representing fashion, advertising and editorial photographers.
 Gianfranco Meza -- Barcelona based agency represents Spanish and international photographers.
 Ieia Photographers and Stylists Agency -- Italian agency based in Milan. Includes portfolios of photographers and stylists and a story about the history of the agency.
 Infidels Photo-agency -- Representing photographers, stylists, and illustrators from South Africa.
 Jackson Management Artists -- Represents photographers specialising in the fields of advertising, beauty, editorial, fashion and underwater.
 Joe Berger -- Representing Arne Pastoor, Oliver Mark, Dieter Steinbach, and Stefan Csaky.
 Karlee Artist Management -- Management company representing hair, makeup, fashion or wardrobe stylist and manicurist.
 Kloss Management Photography Agency. -- London based photography agency representing Dominik Gigler, Axel Hoedt, Maria Mochnacz, Roberta Nitsos and Scott Sandford.
 Legend Photo -- Los Angeles based agency representing photographers and stylists from around the world.
 Lou B Photoagency -- Representing four Swedish photographers and one stylist
 LundLund Photographic Agency -- Representing Swedish photographers and stylists.
 M Represents Photography -- New York based photographic agency representing various photographers.
 Made Photographic Agency -- Represents fashion, beauty, and still-life photographers Isabelle Bonjean, Karina Taira, Thomas Straub, Stephan Abry, Gauthier Gallet, Anti Wendel, Brian Whitney, Constant Anée.
 Marek & Associates Photography Agency -- Represents photographers Walter Chin, Robert Erdmann, Fabrizio Ferri, Pamela Hanson, Greg Kadel, Frederik Lieberath, Elliston Lutz, Andrew Reynolds, Myers Robertson, Francesco Scavullo, Mei Tao, Jason Todd, Deborah Turbeville
 Michael Okoniewski Photographer -- Portfolio of New York photographer Michael Okoniewski.
 PHOTO Mondo -- Photographic portfolio of Tomasz Jankowski.
 Poet & Company -- Toronto based photographer’s representation agency. Requires Flash to view.
 Rich Hall Reps -- Representing photographers and digital imagers providing services to the automotive advertising and design community.
 RPM Photographic Agency -- UK agency representing photographers Jon Nicholson, Brent Stirton, Levon Biss, Lee Farrant and Moe Kafer.
 Serlin Associates -- Parisian photographic agent presents work carried out by a number of photographers.
 Sinopix Photo Agency -- Representing photographers specializing in Hong Kong and China.
 Sputnik Production -- Representing photographers and artists from Prague and Paris.
 Tin Agent -- Representing Knut Bry, Pål Rødahl, Evy Andersen, Lisa Westgaard, Sigve Aspelund, Pål Laukli og Guri Dahl.
 Tom Booth, Inc. -- Photographic agency representing Robin Broadbent, Roger Davies, Douglas Friedman, Hiro, Thomas Loof, and Jason Schmidt.
 Winston West Artist Representatives -- Representing celebrity, fashion and automotive photographers.
 Witman Kleipool & No6 -- Agency, based in Amsterdam, representing seven photographers with varied specialties; from food to editorial.

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